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Dealing with anxiety

My little boys were a bit anxious today about how our life has changed and what are we going to do on school holidays. We talked about different emotions that all humans experience. In particular, how it is absolutely normal to feel worried and stressed about not being able to leave home. I wanted to share with you a page of one of my favourite book for children "My Mixed Emotions" by Elinor Greenwood. I thought this illustration could also help adults with their symptoms offear or anxiety with the current situation.

It is OK to feel stressed, scared and anxious. It is OK not wanting to change our life for now. It is OK to experience physical symptoms of anxiety. But at the same time, I would like to remind you that humans are highly adaptable creatures, once we stop panic and think calm, we find a way of dealing with the situation. One of the best ways is to talk to someone, laugh about it. That action reduces intense isolation anxiety and helps us to cope. Sending you my positive vibes.❤️🍀

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